As a user, I want to be able to read the series name. Here for instance, the series name are identical to the series code.
I done a fist quick'n disappointing implementation that doesn't pass the validation script: we got duplicated series names. This is due to the fact that series names given by provider are composed of less dimensions that series dimensions.
[...]"dimensions":{"BBK_NAAC2011_CLASSIFICATION":"H","BBK_NAAC2011_SUFFIX":"A","BBK_NAAC2011_TITLE":"0151","BBK_STD_ADJUSTMENT":"N","BBK_STD_AREA":"DE","BBK_STD_FREQ":"A"},"name":"Germany / Use of GDP / Gross fixed capital formation / Chain-linked index"[...]"dimensions":{"BBK_NAAC2011_CLASSIFICATION":"H","BBK_NAAC2011_SUFFIX":"L","BBK_NAAC2011_TITLE":"0151","BBK_STD_ADJUSTMENT":"N","BBK_STD_AREA":"DE","BBK_STD_FREQ":"A"},"name":"Germany / Use of GDP / Gross fixed capital formation / Chain-linked index"
I'll check if we can generate series names from dimensions values labels (if they are given)
In fact there's nothing else to do as DBnomics API generates series names from dimensions values labels when no name is given by provider. This is the case here as given names provided by BUBA have duplicates, and are made from some dimensions, so we can ignore them and use API generated names.
@thomasbrand you can check in preprod, it'll be available in prod tomorrow (after newt convert job)
Hi @thomasbrand, I don't think there's any relation between the problem you mention (duplicates in category tree) and this issue (series names are not human readable). I opened a new issue for this another problem: #548