In convert script there's a special case for BBK01 dataset; provider doesn't provide any SDMX "struct" file for this dataset.
Indeed, in source data we can see the error returned by API for this dataset
Maybe we could imagine to add to datamodel some kind of "remarks", or "extra information" that could be added at dataset/series level and displayed in UI to user. In that case, the remark should be "BUBA doesn't provide any dataset names for those series".
In fact those problems are directly linked to the fact that there's no "structure" SDMX returned by API for those two datasets, so there's no datasets dimensions nor dimensions labels, so we can't generate a name from dimensions
I found that we can get series names using BBK_TITLE attribute for BBMMB dataset; without duplicates. The purpose of #501 (closed) was to stop using this information because it creates many duplicates; but for this special case (where we do not have dimensions labels) we can use it:
I didn't found a way to get uniq series names for BBK01 dataset. In all cases using BBK_TITLE is excluded as it would create many duplicates. Example:
./topics/GELD/time series/BBK01/bbk01.wt0913.xml: <bbk:Series FREQ="D" BBK_ID="BBK01.WT0913" BBK_TITLE_ENG="Yields on debt securities outstanding issued by residents /Public debt securities / Mean residual maturity of morethan 2 and up to 3 years / Daily data"./topics/GELD/time series/BBK01/bbk01.wt0914.xml: <bbk:Series FREQ="D" BBK_ID="BBK01.WT0914" BBK_TITLE_ENG="Yields on debt securities outstanding issued by residents /Public debt securities / Mean residual maturity of morethan 3 and up to 4 years / Daily data"
[introduction: I'm ... from DBnmics team, a platform that ...]
We're using BUBA API to get data but some topics endpoints are apparently missing: we are not able to download SDMX metadata for BBMMB and BBK01 datasets:
I don't think so: metadata design a precise SDMX XML file for each provider. API documentation you pointed out also use this term for this: the title of the section about this is "Downloading the SDMX metadata", so I think they'll understand what's about.
Hello, We are using BUBA API to feed our macroeconomic database https://db.nomics.word.We noticed that some topics endpoints are apparently missing; we are not able to download SDMX metadata for BBMMB and BBK01 datasets: seems that this call works with all other datasets)Is is a bad usage of the API from our side ?Thanks
Dear Mr Buye,Thank you for your question.It doesnt't exist a description for the dataset BBK01, because BBK01 is no real SDMX-Format.For the dataset BBMMB doesn't exist a description at the moment.We are trying to offer this format in the nearer future.You can find a list with all offered datasets in the drop-down-menu on this site: sincerely,Gerhard JurackaDEUTSCHE BUNDESBANK