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  • dbnomics-fetchers/bceao-fetcher
  • MichelJuillard/bceao-fetcher
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Commits on Source (5)
......@@ -83,39 +83,6 @@ def get_countries(source_dir):
return countries
def build_categories_tree(source_dir, target_dir):
'''build categories > datasets from index.html'''
with open(os.path.join(source_dir, "index.html"), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
soup = bs(, "lxml")
categories_tree = []
for ul in soup.find_all("ul", class_="extend"):
cat_name = clean_special_char(ul.parent.a.text)
category = {
# ugly fix of broken unicode char
"name": clean_special_char(ul.parent.a.text),
"code": slugify.slugify(clean_special_char(ul.parent.a.text))
category["children"] = []
for li in ul.find_all("li"):
series = list(ast.literal_eval(li.a.get("onclick").replace("soumettreTab", "")))
code, name = series[-1].split(" - ")
"code": code,
"name": name
# for country_code, country_label in countries.items():
# categories[cat].append({
# "code": "_".join([code, country_code]),
# "name": " - ".join([name, country_label])
# })
write_json_file(os.path.join(target_dir, "category_tree.json"), categories_tree)
write_json_file(os.path.join(target_dir, "provider.json"), provider_json)
return categories_tree
def detect_unit_label(category_table):
# detect unit_label from title NOT USED
......@@ -153,14 +120,15 @@ def define_label(label, sub_label, top_label):
return None, None, last_label
def build_series(source_dir, target_dir):
def build_series(source_dir, target_dir, category_tree):
From datasets < dataset_code > .html to series
countries = get_countries(source_dir)
categories = build_categories_tree(source_dir, target_dir)
datasets = itertools.chain.from_iterable([category["children"] for category in categories])
datasets = itertools.chain.from_iterable([category["children"] for category in category_tree])
datasets_dict = {n["code"]: n["name"] for n in datasets}
for n in datasets_dict.items():
for f in os.listdir(source_dir):
if f.endswith(".html") and f != "index.html":
dataset_file = os.path.join(source_dir, f)
......@@ -245,7 +213,13 @@ def main():
source_dir = os.path.abspath(args["<source_dir>"])
target_dir = os.path.abspath(args["<target_dir>"])
assert os.path.exists(source_dir), source_dir
build_series(source_dir, target_dir)
write_json_file(os.path.join(target_dir, "provider.json"), provider_json)
category_tree_filename_in = os.path.join(source_dir, "category_tree.json")
with open(category_tree_filename_in) as f:
category_tree = json.load(f)
category_tree_filename_out = os.path.join(source_dir, "category_tree.json")
write_json_file(category_tree_filename_out, category_tree)
build_series(source_dir, target_dir, category_tree)
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -28,13 +28,35 @@ Usage:
import ast
import json
import logging
import os
import slugify
import sys
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
from docopt import docopt
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def clean_special_char(string):
'''ugly fix of encoding error of HTML source file
can be fixed replacing unrecognized char into é because 98,79% are é
two exceptions:
- Côte d'Ivoire
- impôts
if "C�te" in string:
return string.replace("", "ô")
elif "imp�ts" in string:
return string.replace("", "ô")
return string.replace("", "é")
def write_json_file(file_path, data):
with open(file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file_:
json.dump(data, file_, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
def download_datasets(target_dir):
'''download provider root url and build the datasets source page'''
......@@ -47,20 +69,27 @@ def download_datasets(target_dir):
# 'User-Agent': 'DBNomics Downloader BOT see',
# }
# download the main index 'index.html'
resp = requests.get(provider_root_url)
resp0 = requests.get(provider_root_url)
resp = requests.get(provider_root_url, cookies=resp0.cookies)
with open(os.path.join(target_dir, "index.html"), "w") as _file:
headers = resp.headers
soup = bs(resp.text, "lxml")
categories = {}
categories = []
for ul in soup.find_all("ul", class_="extend"):
cat = ul.parent.a.text.encode("utf-8").decode("utf-8", errors="ignore")
categories[cat] = []
# ugly fix of broken unicode char
cat_name = clean_special_char(ul.parent.a.text)
category = {
"name": cat_name,
"code": slugify.slugify(clean_special_char(ul.parent.a.text))
category["datasets"] = []
for li in ul.find_all("li"):
series = list(ast.literal_eval(li.a.get("onclick").replace("soumettreTab", "")))
# no need to have country names
# encoding problems: broken utf-8 from website app: countries and categories é and ô same
countries = {n.text.strip().encode('utf-8').decode("utf-8", errors="ignore"): n.find("input")
......@@ -98,31 +127,47 @@ def download_datasets(target_dir):
country = {n[0]: n[1] for n in zip(countries.keys(), countries.keys())}
for cat, series_l in categories.items():
for series in series_l:
freq, id_tab, s_name_id = series
s_id, s_name = s_name_id.split(" - ")
categories_tree = []
for cat in categories:
category = {
"code": cat["code"],
"name": cat["name"]
category["children"] = []
for freq, id_tab, s_name_id in cat["datasets"]:
post_data["idTab"] = id_tab
data = [(k, v) for k, v in post_data.items()]
# html_download
resp ="",
assert resp is not None, "requests.get() failed with url entrypoint %s" % provider_root_url
assert resp.status_code in range(200, 399), \
"requests response.status_code == %s" % resp.status_code
with open(os.path.join(target_dir, s_id + ".html"), "w") as _f:
# xls_download
post_data["export"] = ""
xport_data = [(k, v) for k, v in post_data.items() if k in ["params", "export", "idTab"]]
resp ="",
assert resp is not None, "requests.get() failed with url entrypoint %s" % provider_root_url
assert resp.status_code in range(200, 399), \
"requests response.status_code == %s" % resp.status_code
with open(os.path.join(target_dir, s_id + ".xls"), "w") as _f:
resp ="",
assert resp is not None, "requests.get() failed with url entrypoint %s" % provider_root_url
assert resp.status_code in range(200, 399), \
"requests response.status_code == %s" % resp.status_code
log.warning("Dataset {} is missing".format(s_name_id))
soup = bs(resp.text, "lxml")
s_id = soup.find("h2").text.split(' - ')[0]
"code": s_id,
"name": s_name_id
with open(os.path.join(target_dir, s_id + ".html"), "w") as _f:
# xls_download
post_data["export"] = ""
xport_data = [(k, v) for k, v in post_data.items() if k in ["params", "export", "idTab"]]
resp ="",
assert resp is not None, "requests.get() failed with url entrypoint %s" % provider_root_url
assert resp.status_code in range(200, 399), \
"requests response.status_code == %s" % resp.status_code
with open(os.path.join(target_dir, s_id + ".xls"), "w") as _f:
write_json_file(os.path.join(target_dir, "category_tree.json"), categories_tree)
def main():
args = docopt(__doc__)