imf fetcher authoredeba896e0
dataset.json 13.75 KiB
"BASES_OF_RECORDING_CASH_NON_CASH":"Bases of recording (Cash\/ Non Cash)",
"BASES_OF_RECORDING_GROSSNET":"Bases of recording (Gross\/Net)",
"CMT":"Exception explanation",
"GLOBAL_DSD_TIME_SERIES_CODE":"Global DSD Time Series Code",
"INDICATOR_CODE":"Indicator Code",
"NATURE_OF_DATA":"Nature of data",
"OBS_STATUS":"Observation Status (incl. Confidentiality)",
"TIME_FORMAT":"Time format",
"10":"Ten Billions",
"11":"Hundred Billions",
"13":"Ten Trillions",
"14":"Hundred Trillions",
"4":"Ten Thousands",
"5":"Hundred Thousands",
"7":"Ten Millions",
"8":"Hundred Millions",
"N10":"Ten Billionths",
"N11":"Hundred Billionths",
"N13":"Ten Trillionths",
"N14":"Hundred Trillionths",
"N4":"Ten Thousandths",
"N5":"Hundred Thousandths",
"N7":"Ten Millionths",
"N8":"Hundred Millionths",
"description":"This dataset provides a comprehensive view of the functions, or socioeconomic objectives, that government aims to achieve through various kinds of expenditure, comprising detailed classifications of general public service, defense, public order and safety, economic affairs, environment protection, housing and community services, health, recreation, culture and religion, education, and social protection services.",
"REF_AREA":"Reference Area",
"REF_SECTOR":"Reporting Institutional Sector",
"UNIT_MEASURE":"Unit of Measure"
"GF01":"Expenditure on general public services",
"GF0101":"Expenditure on exec\/leg, fiscal, & external affairs",
"GF0102":"Expenditure on foreign economic aid",
"GF0103":"Expenditure on general services",
"GF0104":"Expenditure on basic research",
"GF0105":"Expenditure on general public services R&D",
"GF0106":"Expenditure on general public services n.e.c.",
"GF0107":"Expenditure on public debt transactions",
"GF0108":"Transfers between different levels of govt",
"GF02":"Expenditure on defense",
"GF0201":"Expenditure on military defense",
"GF0202":"Expenditure on civil defense",
"GF0203":"Expenditure on foreign military aid",
"GF0204":"Expenditure on defense R&D ",
"GF0205":"Expenditure on defense n.e.c.",
"GF03":"Expenditure on public order & safety",
"GF0301":"Expenditure on police services",
"GF0302":"Expenditure on fire protection services",
"GF0303":"Expenditure on law courts",
"GF0304":"Expenditure on prisons",
"GF0305":"Expenditure on public order & safety R&D ",
"GF0306":"Expenditure on public order & safety n.e.c.",
"GF04":"Expenditure on economic affairs",
"GF0401":"Expenditure on economic, commercial, & labour affairs",
"GF0402":"Expenditure on agriculture, fishing, forestry, & hunting",
"GF0403":"Expenditure on fuel & energy",
"GF0404":"Expenditure on mining, manufacturing, & construction",
"GF0405":"Expenditure on transport",
"GF0406":"Expenditure on communication",
"GF0407":"Expenditure on other industries",
"GF0408":"Expenditure on economic affairs R&D ",
"GF0409":"Expenditure on economic affairs n.e.c.",
"GF05":"Expenditure on environment protection",
"GF0501":"Expenditure on waste management",
"GF0502":"Expenditure on waste water management",
"GF0503":"Expenditure on pollution abatement",
"GF0504":"Expenditure on biodiversity & landscape protection",
"GF0505":"Expenditure on environmental protection R&D",
"GF0506":"Expenditure on environmental protection n.e.c.",
"GF06":"Expenditure on housing & community amenities",
"GF0601":"Expenditure on housing development",
"GF0602":"Expenditure on community development",
"GF0603":"Expenditure on water supply",
"GF0604":"Expenditure on street lighting",
"GF0605":"Expenditure on housing & community amenities R&D",
"GF0606":"Expenditure on housing & community amenities n.e.c.",
"GF07":"Expenditure on health",
"GF0701":"Expenditure on medical products, appliances, & equip",
"GF0702":"Expenditure on outpatient services",
"GF0703":"Expenditure on hospital services",
"GF0704":"Expenditure on public health services",
"GF0705":"Expenditure on health R&D",
"GF0706":"Expenditure on health n.e.c.",
"GF08":"Expenditure on recreation, culture, & religion",
"GF0801":"Expenditure on recreational & sporting services",
"GF0802":"Expenditure on cultural services",
"GF0803":"Expenditure on broadcasting & publishing ",
"GF0804":"Expenditure on religious & community services",
"GF0805":"Expenditure on recreation, culture, & religion R&D",
"GF0806":"Expenditure on recreation, culture, & religion n.e.c.",
"GF09":"Expenditure on education",
"GF0901":"Expenditure on pre-primary & primary education",
"GF0902":"Expenditure on secondary education",
"GF0903":"Expenditure on post-secondary non-tertiary education",
"GF0904":"Expenditure on tertiary education",
"GF0905":"Expenditure on education not definable by level",
"GF0906":"Expenditure on subsidiary services to education",
"GF0907":"Expenditure on education R&D",
"GF0908":"Expenditure on education n.e.c.",
"GF10":"Expenditure on social protection",
"GF1001":"Expenditure on sickness & disability",
"GF1002":"Expenditure on old age",
"GF1003":"Expenditure on survivors",
"GF1004":"Expenditure on family & children",
"GF1005":"Expenditure on unemployment",
"GF1006":"Expenditure on housing",
"GF1007":"Expenditure on social exclusion n.e.c.",
"GF1008":"Expenditure on social protection R&D",
"GF1009":"Expenditure on social protection n.e.c.",
"1C_355":"Curacao & St. Maarten",
"1C_473":"Yemen Arab Rep.",
"1C_ALL":"All Countries and Country Groups",
"1C_ALLC":"All Countries",
"1C_ALLG":"All Country Groups",
"1C_Al_Countries_for_Dissemination_Online":"All Countries for Dissemination - Online",
"1C_All_Countries_PDF":"All Countries PDF",
"1C_All_Countries_for_Dissemination":"All Countries for Dissemination",
"1C_GFSY_2014_Country_Pages":"All Countries for Dissemination - Print",
"1C_Template_I":"Template I",
"1C_Template_II":"Template II",
"1C_Template_III":"Template III",
"1C_Template_IV":"Template IV",
"AE":"United Arab Emirates",
"AG":"Antigua and Barbuda",
"AN":"Netherlands Antilles",
"All Countries Table A and B":"All Countries Table A and B",
"BA":"Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"BF":"Burkina Faso",
"BN":"Brunei Darussalam",
"CD":"Congo, the Democratic Republic of the",
"CF":"Central African Republic",
"CI":"Côte d'Ivoire",
"CK":"Cook Islands",
"CR":"Costa Rica",
"CS":"Serbia and Montenegro",
"CV":"Cape Verde",
"CZ":"Czech Republic",
"DO":"Dominican Republic",
"FM":"Micronesia, Federated States of",
"GB":"United Kingdom",
"GQ":"Equatorial Guinea",
"HK":"Hong Kong, China",
"IR":"Iran, Islamic Republic of",
"KN":"Saint Kitts and Nevis",
"KR":"Korea, Republic of",
"KY":"Cayman Islands",
"LA":"Lao People`s Democratic Republic",
"LC":"Saint Lucia",
"LK":"Sri Lanka",
"MD":"Moldova, Republic of",
"MH":"Marshall islands",
"MK":"North Macedonia, Republic of ",
"NZ":"New Zealand",
"PG":"Papua New Guinea",
"PS":"Palestine, State of",
"RU":"Russian Federation",
"S13":"General government",
"S1311":"Central government (excl. social security)",
"S1311B":"Budgetary central government",
"S1321":"Central government (incl. social security)",
"SA":"Saudi Arabia",
"SB":"Solomon Islands",
"SL":"Sierra Leone",
"SM":"San Marino",
"SS":"South Sudan",
"ST":"Sao Tome and Principe",
"SV":"El Salvador",
"SY":"Syrian Arab Republic",
"TT":"Trinidad and Tobago",
"TZ":"Tanzania, United Republic of",
"U2":"Euro area (Member States and Institutions of the Euro Area) changing composition",
"US":"United States",
"VC":"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"VE":"Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic",
"VN":"Viet Nam",
"ZA":"South Africa",
"S13":"General government",
"S1311":"Central government (excl. social security funds)",
"S13112":"Extrabudgetary central government",
"S1311B":"Budgetary central government",
"S1312":"State governments",
"S1313":"Local governments",
"S1314":"Social security funds",
"S1321":"Central government (incl. social security funds)"
"XDC":"Domestic currency",
"XDC_R_B1GQ":"Percent of GDP",
"XDC_R_OTE":"Percent of total expenditure"
"name":"Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Expenditure by Function of Government (COFOG)",
"Temporal Coverage: 1972-2015",
"Geographic Coverage: 175 countries",
"Methodology: Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 (GFSM 2014)",
"Sectoral Coverage: Budgetary central government, Central government (excl. social security funds), Central government (incl. social security funds), Extrabudgetary central government, General government, Local governments, Social security funds, State governments"