"dimensions_labels": {
"C02418V02921": "Institutional Sector",
"C02419V03982": "Current Account",
"C02420V02923": "Accounting Entry",
"Total economy (S.1)"
"Non-financial corporations (S.11)"
"Financial corporations (S.12)"
"General government (S.13)"
"Rest of World (S.2)"
"C02419V03982": [
"Gross operating surplus/ Mixed income (B.2g/ B.3g)"
"Compensation of employees (D.1)"
"Taxes on products and production (D.2)"
"Subsidies on products and production (D.3)"
"Property income (D.4)"
"Compensation of employees (D.1), Taxes on products and imports (D.2), Subsidies (D.3), Property Income (D.4)"
"Gross national income (B.5g)"
"Current taxes on income, wealth, etc (D.5)"
"Net Social contributions (D.61)"
"Social benefits other than social transfers in kind (D.62)"
"Other current tranfers (D.7)"
"Current taxes on income, wealth, etc (D.5), Social contributions and benefits (D.6). Other current tranfers (D.7)"
"Gross disposable income (B.6g)"
"Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements (D.8)"
"Total disposable income (Gross disposable income B.6g+ Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements D.8)"
"Final consumption expenditure (P.3)"
"Individual Consumption Expenditure (P31)"
"Gross Fixed Capital Formation (P.51G)"
"Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced assets (NP)"
"Exports of goods and services (P.6)"
"Imports of goods and services (P.7)"
"External balance of goods and services (B.11)"
"Current external balance (B.12)"
"Total general government expenditure (OTE)"
"Total general government revenue (OTR)"
"Quarterly Accounts at Current Market Prices Seasonally Adjusted"
"name": "Quarterly Accounts at Current Market Prices Seasonally Adjusted",
"This release was updated on 20 April 2023. After the first publication (6 April), data from Government Accounts was significantly revised following dialogue with Eurostat. The largest single item to be changed was capital grants. The EU agency advised that the recording of the Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme should be revised from upfront expenditure in 2022 and instead accrued at the time of approvals. This approach is consistent with other Member States. This affected capital transfers (D.9) paid by government (S.13), which were revised downward for 2022-Q2 from €3,140m to €428m (a revision of €2,711m). Other smaller changes to S.13 data were also incorporated and other sectors adjusted accordingly. Please see the <a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">Information Note</a> for further details. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.",
"For more information, please go to the <a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">statistical release page</a> on our website."
"source_href": "",