ONS - UK Office for National Statistics
See sub-issues #102 (closed) , #101 (closed) , #100 (closed)
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- Michel Juillard assigned to @MichelJuillard
assigned to @MichelJuillard
- Johan Richer changed milestone to %Fetchers Batch #1
changed milestone to %Fetchers Batch #1
- Author Maintainer
See the analyses formons.rst
Edited by Michel Juillard - Michel Juillard removed milestone
removed milestone
- Michel Juillard removed assignee
removed assignee
- Johan Richer added Fetcher label
added Fetcher label
- Johan Richer mentioned in issue #22 (closed)
mentioned in issue #22 (closed)
- Christophe Benz added Doing label
added Doing label
- Christophe Benz assigned to @cbenz
assigned to @cbenz
- Michel Juillard changed the description
changed the description
- Christophe Benz added ~142 and removed Doing labels
added ~142 and removed Doing labels
- Christophe Benz assigned to @MichelJuillard and unassigned @cbenz
assigned to @MichelJuillard and unassigned @cbenz
- Johan Richer changed milestone to %Fetchers Batch #1
changed milestone to %Fetchers Batch #1
- Johan Richer changed title from ONS (UK) to ONS - UK Office for National Statistics
changed title from ONS (UK) to ONS - UK Office for National Statistics
- Reporter
@bduye : TSV must be harmonized in order to have "Graph".
- Christophe Benz mentioned in issue #163 (closed)
mentioned in issue #163 (closed)
This fetcher didn't passed the data validation script for TSV harmonization (#163 (closed)):
- [ ] Fix: header don't start by 'PERIOD\tVALUE'. Example: DUCM_A.tsv: 'TIME PERIOD\tOBSV VALUE' - [ ] Fix: use 'NA' for unknown. Example: AM/HCN9_A.tsv - [ ] Fix: periods format: - [ ] '1969 Q1' (AM/AIHE_Q.tsv) - [ ] '1968 JAN' (DIOP/K2TH_M.tsv)
When fixed, please check corresponding checkbox in #163 (closed)
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- Bruno Duyé closed