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#! /usr/bin/env python3

# eurostat-fetcher -- Fetch series from Eurostat database
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# By: Christophe Benz <>
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# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Cepremap
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# eurostat-fetcher is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# eurostat-fetcher is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
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# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
"""Convert Eurostat provider, categories, datasets and time series to DBnomics JSON and TSV files."""
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import argparse
import logging
import shutil
import subprocess
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import sys
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from collections import OrderedDict
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path
import humanize
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from lxml import etree
from toolz import get_in, valmap
import ujson as json
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from dbnomics_data_model import observations
provider_code = 'Eurostat'
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provider_json = {
    "code": provider_code,
    "name": provider_code,
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    "region": "EU",
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    "terms_of_use": "",
    "website": "",

args = None  # Will be defined by main().
datasets_dir_name = "data"
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
namespace_url_by_name = {"xml": ""}
def convert_sdmx_element(element, dataset_json, dataset_context, dsd_infos, series_jsonl_file):
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    # Due to event=end, given to iterparse, we receive <Obs> then <Series> elements, in this order.

    if element.tag.endswith("Series"):

        # Ignore some specific XML element attributes corresponding to series SDMX attributes,
        # because series SDMX attributes do not exist in DBnomics.
        series_element_attributes = OrderedDict([
            (attribute_key, attribute_value)
            for attribute_key, attribute_value in element.attrib.items()
            if attribute_key not in {"TIME_FORMAT"}  # Redundant with FREQ.

        dimensions_codes_order = list(series_element_attributes.keys())
        if dataset_json["dimensions_codes_order"] is None:
            dataset_json["dimensions_codes_order"] = dimensions_codes_order
            # dimensions_codes_order must not change between series.
            assert dataset_json["dimensions_codes_order"] == dimensions_codes_order, \
                (dataset_json["dimensions_codes_order"], dimensions_codes_order)

        # Fill series dimensions labels in dataset.json.

        t0 = time.time()

        for dimension_code, dimension_value_code in series_element_attributes.items():
            if dimension_code not in dataset_json["dimensions_labels"]:
                dimension_label = dsd_infos["concepts"].get(dimension_code)
                if dimension_label and dimension_code not in dataset_json["dimensions_labels"]:
                    # Some dimensions labels are an empty string: e.g. bs_bs12_04.sdmx.xml
                    dataset_json["dimensions_labels"][dimension_code] = dimension_label
            if dimension_code in dataset_json["dimensions_values_labels"] and \
                    dimension_value_code in dataset_json["dimensions_values_labels"][dimension_code]:
            codelist_code = dsd_infos["codelist_by_concept"][dimension_code]
            dimension_value_label = get_in([codelist_code, dimension_value_code], dsd_infos["codelists"])
            if dimension_value_label:
                    dimension_code, {})[dimension_value_code] = dimension_value_label
        timings["series_labels"] += time.time() - t0
        # Series code is not defined by provider: create it from dimensions values codes.
        series_code = ".".join(
            for dimension_code in dimensions_codes_order
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        # Write series JSON to file.
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        observations_header = [["PERIOD", "VALUE"] + dsd_infos["attributes"]]
        series_json = {
            "code": series_code,
            "dimensions": [
                series_element_attributes[dimension_code]  # Every dimension MUST be defined for each series.
                for dimension_code in dimensions_codes_order
            "observations": observations_header + dataset_context["current_series_observations"],
        json.dump(series_json, series_jsonl_file, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True)
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        timings["series_file"] += time.time() - t0

        # Reset context for next series.

        dataset_context["current_series_observations"] = []

    elif element.tag.endswith("Obs"):

        # Fill observations attributes labels in dataset.json.

        t0 = time.time()

        for attribute_code, attribute_value_code in element.attrib.items():
            # Ignore period and value observations XML attributes, because they don't need labels.
            if attribute_code in ["TIME_PERIOD", "OBS_VALUE"]:
            attribute_label = dsd_infos["concepts"].get(attribute_code)
            if attribute_label and attribute_code not in dataset_json["attributes_labels"]:
                dataset_json["attributes_labels"][attribute_code] = attribute_label
            # Some attributes values codes are multi-valued and concatenated into the same string.
            attribute_value_codes = list(attribute_value_code) \
                if attribute_code == "OBS_STATUS" \
                else [attribute_value_code]
            for attribute_value_code in attribute_value_codes:
                if attribute_code in dataset_json["attributes_values_labels"] and \
                        attribute_value_code in dataset_json["attributes_values_labels"][attribute_code]:
                codelist_code = dsd_infos["codelist_by_concept"][attribute_code]
                attribute_value_label = get_in([codelist_code, attribute_value_code], dsd_infos["codelists"])
                if attribute_value_label:
                        attribute_code, {})[attribute_value_code] = attribute_value_label

        timings["observations_labels"] += time.time() - t0

        obs_value = observations.value_to_float(element.attrib.get("OBS_VALUE"))
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            element.attrib["TIME_PERIOD"],  # SDMX periods are already normalized.
        ] + [
            element.attrib.get(attribute_name, "")
            for attribute_name in dsd_infos["attributes"]
def convert_sdmx_file(dataset_json_stub, sdmx_file: Path, dataset_dir: Path):
    global timings
    timings = {
        k: 0
        for k in {"series_labels", "series_file", "observations_labels", "dsd_infos"}
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    assert dataset_json_stub.get("name"), dataset_json_stub
    assert dataset_dir.is_dir(), dataset_dir
    dataset_code = dataset_json_stub["code"]
    dsd_file_path = args.source_dir / datasets_dir_name / dataset_code / "{}.dsd.xml".format(dataset_code)
    dsd_element = etree.parse(str(dsd_file_path)).getroot()

    # Initialize dataset.json data

    dataset_json = {
        "attributes_labels": {},  # Will be defined by each series.
        "attributes_values_labels": {},  # Will be defined by each series.
        "dimensions_codes_order": None,  # Will be defined by first series.
        "dimensions_labels": {},  # Will be defined by each series.
        "dimensions_values_labels": {},  # Will be defined by each series.
    dsd_infos = {
        "attributes": [
            for element in dsd_element.iterfind(".//{*}Attribute[@attachmentLevel='Observation']")
        "codelists": {
            element.attrib["id"]: {
                code_element.attrib["value"]: code_element.findtext(
                    "./{*}Description[@xml:lang='en']", namespaces=namespace_url_by_name)
                for code_element in element.iterfind("./{*}Code")
            for element in dsd_element.iterfind('.//{*}CodeList')
        "concepts": {
            element.attrib["id"]: element.findtext("./{*}Name[@xml:lang='en']", namespaces=namespace_url_by_name)
            for element in dsd_element.iterfind('.//{*}Concept')
        "codelist_by_concept": {
            element.attrib["conceptRef"]: element.attrib["codelist"]
            for element in dsd_element.find(".//{*}Components")
            if "conceptRef" in element.attrib and "codelist" in element.attrib

    timings["dsd_infos"] += time.time() - t0
    with (dataset_dir / "series.jsonl").open("w") as series_jsonl_file:
        dataset_context = {
            "current_series_observations": [],
        # Side-effects: mutate dataset_context, write files.
        context = etree.iterparse(str(sdmx_file), events=["end"])
        for event, element in context:
            convert_sdmx_element(element, dataset_json, dataset_context, dsd_infos, series_jsonl_file)
            if event == "end":
                # Inspired from fast_iter, cf
                while element.getprevious() is not None:
                    del element.getparent()[0]
        del context
        write_json_file(dataset_dir / "dataset.json", without_falsy_values(dataset_json))
    log.debug("timings: {} total: {:.3f}".format(valmap("{:.3f}".format, timings), sum(timings.values())))
def toc_to_category_tree(xml_element, toc_dataset_json_stub_by_code):
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    xml_element_tag = xml_element.tag[len("") + 2:]
    if xml_element_tag == "tree":
        return list(filter(None, (
            toc_to_category_tree(child_element, toc_dataset_json_stub_by_code)
            for child_element in xml_element
    elif xml_element_tag == "branch":
        children = list(filter(None, (
            toc_to_category_tree(child_element, toc_dataset_json_stub_by_code)
            for child_element in xml_element.iterfind("{*}children/*")
Christophe Benz's avatar
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        return without_falsy_values({
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            "code": xml_element.findtext("{*}code"),
            "name": xml_element.findtext("{*}title[@language='en']"),
            "children": children,
        }) if children else None
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    elif xml_element_tag == "leaf" and xml_element.attrib["type"] == "dataset":
        dataset_code = xml_element.findtext("{*}code")
        dataset_name = xml_element.findtext("{*}title[@language='en']")
        if dataset_code not in toc_dataset_json_stub_by_code:
            toc_dataset_json_stub_by_code[dataset_code] = {
                "code": dataset_code,
                "name": dataset_name,
                "description": xml_element.findtext("{*}shortDescription[@language='en']") or None,
                "doc_href": xml_element.findtext("{*}metadata[@format='html']") or None,
        return {
            "code": dataset_code,
            "name": dataset_name,
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def main():
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    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('source_dir', type=Path,
                        help='path of source directory containing Eurostat series in source format')
    parser.add_argument('target_dir', type=Path, help='path of target directory containing datasets & '
                        'series in DBnomics JSON and TSV formats')
    parser.add_argument('--datasets', nargs='+', metavar='DATASET_CODE', help='convert only the given datasets')
    parser.add_argument('--full', action='store_true',
                        help='convert all datasets; default behavior is to convert what changed since last commit')
    parser.add_argument('--log', default='INFO', help='level of logging messages')
    parser.add_argument('--resume', action='store_true', help='do not process already written datasets')
    parser.add_argument('--start-from', metavar='DATASET_CODE', help='start indexing from dataset code')
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    args = parser.parse_args()

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    if not args.source_dir.is_dir():
        parser.error("Could not find directory {!r}".format(str(args.source_dir)))
    if not args.target_dir.is_dir():
        parser.error("Could not find directory {!r}".format(str(args.target_dir)))
    numeric_level = getattr(logging, args.log.upper(), None)
    if not isinstance(numeric_level, int):
        raise ValueError('Invalid log level: {}'.format(args.log))
    logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s:%(message)s", level=numeric_level)
    # Ask Git which datasets directories were modified in latest commit in source-data repository.
    if not args.full:
            output = subprocess.check_output(["git", "diff", "--name-status", "HEAD^", datasets_dir_name],
                                             cwd=str(args.source_dir), universal_newlines=True)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
            args.full = True
            modified_datasets_codes = set()
            deleted_datasets_codes = set()
            for line in StringIO(output):
                action, file_path = line.strip().split()
                    dataset_code = Path(file_path).parent.relative_to(datasets_dir_name).name
                except ValueError:
                if action in {"A", "M"}:
                    assert action == "D", action
  "%d datasets were modified and %d were deleted by last download",
                     len(modified_datasets_codes), len(deleted_datasets_codes))"Mode: %s", "full" if args.full else "incremental")

    # Parse "table_of_contents", abbreviated "toc".
    toc_element = etree.parse(str(args.source_dir / "table_of_contents.xml")).getroot()
    # Walk recursively table_of_contents.xml and return category_tree_json.
    # Side-effects: fill toc_dataset_json_stub_by_code.
    toc_dataset_json_stub_by_code = {}
    category_tree_json = toc_to_category_tree(toc_element, toc_dataset_json_stub_by_code)
    datasets_codes_to_convert = set()
    for dataset_code in sorted(toc_dataset_json_stub_by_code):
        if args.datasets and dataset_code not in args.datasets:
            log.debug("Skipping dataset %r because it is not mentioned by --datasets option", dataset_code)
        if not args.full and dataset_code not in modified_datasets_codes:
            log.debug("Skipping dataset %r because it was not modified by last download (due to incremental mode)",
        if args.start_from is not None and dataset_code < args.start_from:
            log.debug("Skipping dataset %r because of --start-from option", dataset_code)
        source_dataset_dir = args.source_dir / datasets_dir_name / dataset_code
        if not source_dataset_dir.is_dir():
            log.error("Skipping dataset %s because source directory %s is missing",
                      dataset_code, str(source_dataset_dir))
        sdmx_file = source_dataset_dir / "{}.sdmx.xml".format(dataset_code)
        if not sdmx_file.is_file():
            log.error("Skipping dataset %s because SDMX file %s is missing", dataset_code, str(sdmx_file))
        dataset_dir = args.target_dir / dataset_code
        if args.resume and (dataset_dir / "dataset.json").is_file():
            log.debug("Skipping dataset %r because it already exists (due to --resume option)", dataset_code)
        datasets_codes_to_convert.add(dataset_code)"Converting %d datasets...", len(datasets_codes_to_convert))

    # Remove directories of datasets to be converted before converting.
    if not args.resume:"Removing directories of deleted datasets and datasets to be converted...")
        datasets_codes_to_delete = datasets_codes_to_convert
        if not args.full:
            datasets_codes_to_delete = datasets_codes_to_delete.union(deleted_datasets_codes)
        for dataset_code in datasets_codes_to_delete:
            dataset_dir = args.target_dir / dataset_code
            if dataset_dir.is_dir():
    # Convert SDMX files. Side-effect: write files for each dataset.
    converted_datasets_codes = set()
    for index, dataset_code in enumerate(sorted(datasets_codes_to_convert), start=1):
        if dataset_code in converted_datasets_codes:
            log.debug("Skipping dataset %r because it was already converted", dataset_code)

        source_dataset_dir = args.source_dir / datasets_dir_name / dataset_code
        sdmx_file = source_dataset_dir / "{}.sdmx.xml".format(dataset_code)"Converting SDMX source file %d/%d %s (%s)", index, len(datasets_codes_to_convert), sdmx_file,
                 humanize.naturalsize(sdmx_file.stat().st_size, gnu=True))
        dataset_dir = args.target_dir / dataset_code

        dataset_json_stub = toc_dataset_json_stub_by_code[dataset_code]
        convert_sdmx_file(dataset_json_stub, sdmx_file, dataset_dir)
    write_json_file(args.target_dir / "provider.json", provider_json)
    if category_tree_json:
        write_json_file(args.target_dir / "category_tree.json", category_tree_json)
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def without_falsy_values(mapping):
    return {
        k: v
        for k, v in mapping.items()
        if v

def write_json_file(path, data):
    with"w") as f:
        json.dump(data, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, sort_keys=True)

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if __name__ == '__main__':