Entsoe fetcher oecd
Merge request reports
As a first look, I can not accept this merge request because it is a complete rewrite of the source code.
Besides I noticed that there are 2 GitLab projects for ENTSOE:
- https://git.nomics.world/dbnomics-fetchers/entsoe-fetcher deployed to production on DBnomics website
- a previous one submitted by @Isaac_AFAMBO previously: https://git.nomics.world/dbnomics-fetchers/entsoe
I'm wondering if this merge request actually corresponds to an evolution of the second project, not this one.
@enzo.buthiot wrote the first one, which allows downloading several past releases of data (up to 2014 I think).
In any case, after reading quickly the source codes of both versions, this is not simply a classic merge, but an integration of 2 scripts which is a longer job.
Maybe this has been discussed during one of the "friday meetings", and maybe @MichelJuillard can give me any clue about what to do.
Until further understanding of which project does what, I cannot merge this merge request.
Thanks @Isaac_AFAMBO Are the changes proposed in this merge request related to this version you wrote previously: https://git.nomics.world/dbnomics-fetchers/entsoe ?
In that case we can apply the changes to that repository, and start analyzing the differences indeed.