- provider_name: TCMB
- provider_longname: Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankasi
- provider URL:
- region: Turkey
- terms of use:
- approximate number of datasets: env 10
Data accessibility
- **SDMX: No
- Bulk Download: No
- Account: No
Desired datasets
- Description: Inflation, Balance of Payements, Exchange Rates
Data tree
Existence of a hierachy of datasets on web site: under menu "Statistics"
How to recover the information: Hardcode:
- inflation: Inflation data
- cpi: "Consumer Price Index (2003=100) (TURKSTAT)"
- dppi: "Domestic Producer Price Index (Producer Prices)(2003=100)"
- bop1: Balance of payement and related statistics
- bop2: Balance of payement statistics
- bopmap: "Table 1. Balance of Payments (BPM6) - Monthly Analytic Presentation (Million US Dollars)"
- bopmdp: "Table 2. Balance of Payments (BPM6) - Monthly Detailed Presentation (Million US Dollars)"
- bopadp: "Table 3. Balance of Payments (BPM6) - Annualized Detailed Presentation (Million US Dollars)"
- bopyap: "Table 4. Balance of Payments (BPM6) - Yearly Analytic Presentation (Million US Dollars)"
- bopydp: "Table 5. Balance of Payments (BPM6) - Yearly Detailed Presentation (Million US Dollars)"
- bopmeds: "Table 19. Monthly External Debt Service (Million USD)"
- bopaeds: "Table 20. Annual External Debt Service (Million USD)"
- bop2: Balance of payement statistics
- er: Exchange rates
- reer: Real effective exchange rates
- cpireer: "CPI Based Real Effective Exchange Rate (2003=100)"
- dppireer: "Domestic - PPI Based Real Effective Exchange Rate (2003=100)
- ulcreer: "Unit Labor Cost Based Real Effective Exchange Rate (2003=100)
- reer: Real effective exchange rates
Inflation data
- datasetCode: cpi
- datasetName: "Consumer Price Index (2003=100) (TURKSTAT)"
- how to get release date: None
- dataset docHref: no
- dataset notes: no
- dimension_list: freq
- use of attributes: no
- attribute_list: none
- available frequencies: M
- availability of previous updates: no
- existence of real time datasets: no
- Series key: cpiyty, cpimtm (we don't take data in the second panel, prior to January 2005)
- Series name: CPI (Year to Year % Changes), CPI (Month to Month % Changes)
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: no
- missing values: none
- date format: mm-yyyy
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: no
- datasetCode: dppi
- datasetName: "Domestic Producer Price Index (Producer Prices)(2003=100)"
- how to get release date: None
- dataset docHref: no
- dataset notes: no
- dimension_list: freq
- use of attributes: no
- attribute_list: none
- available frequencies: M
- availability of previous updates: no
- existence of real time datasets: no
- Series key: dppiyty, dppimtm (we don't take data in the first and third columns "PPI")
- Series name: D-PPI (Year to Year % Changes), D-PPI (Month to Month % Changes)
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: no
- missing values: none
- date format: mm-yyyy
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: no
Balance of payments
Sheet 1
- datasetCode: bopmap
- datasetName: "Table 1. Balance of Payments (BPM6) - Monthly Analytic Presentation (Million US Dollars)"
- how to get release date: Excel file property "Modified"
- dataset docHref:
- dataset notes: no
- dimension_list: freq
- use of attributes: no
- attribute_list: none
- available frequencies: M
- availability of previous updates: no
- existence of real time datasets: no
Series key: column B but
- BG: Balance of goods (line 11)
- BGS: Balance of goods and services (line 14)
- BGSPI: Balance of goods, services and primary income (line 17)
- CCFA: Current, Capital and Financial account (line 37)
- GB: General Balance (line 39)
- Series name: column C without indentation
- Series values: drop column D and last column. The last column will change every month.
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: no
- missing values: blank
- date format: yyyy Month
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: no
Sheet 2 and 6
- datasetCode: bopmdp
- datasetName: "Table 2. Balance of Payments (BPM6) - Monthly Detailed Presentation (Million US Dollars)"
- how to get release date: Excel file property "Modified"
- dataset docHref:
- dataset notes: no
- dimension_list: freq
- use of attributes: no
- attribute_list: none
- available frequencies: M
- availability of previous updates: no
- existence of real time datasets: no
- Series key: column B (drop final typographic mark - or .) For lines without code use the previous code with "a" or "b". Example I.a (line 9) I.b (line 10)
Series name: column C without indentation but
- for lines without code add first the name of the previous series. Example. Goods exports (line 12) Goods imports (line 13)
- line 15 General merchandise exports
- line 16 General merchandise exports f.o.b.
- line 17 General merchandise exports shuttle trade
- line 18 General merchandise exports adjustment coverage
- line 19 General merchandise imports
- line 20 General merchandise imports c.i.f.
- line 21 General merchandise imports adjustment classification
- line 22 General merchandise imports adjustment coverage
- line 42 (+ 43, 44) Transport other
- lines 84-89 add Interest expenditure before the series name of that line
- for III Financial account (lines 100 to 206) add all the names of the code hierarchy. Examples:
- line 103: Direct investment. Net acquisition of financial assets. Equity capital. Outflow
- line 116: Portfolio investment. Net acquisition of financial assets. Other sectors
- Series values: sheet 6: column C to O (drop column P) sheet 2: drop column D and last column. The last column will change every month.
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: no
- missing values: blank
- date format: yyyy Month
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: no
Sheet 3
- datasetCode: bopadp
- datasetName: "Table 3. Balance of Payments (BPM6) - Annualized Detailed Presentation (Million US Dollars)"
- same as sheet 2 except columns. Frequency = M
Sheet 4
- datasetCode: bopyap
- datasetName: "Table 4. Balance of Payments (BPM6) - Yearly Analytic Presentation (Million US Dollars)"
- same as sheet 1 except columns and frequency = A
Sheet 5
- datasetCode: bopydp
- datasetName: "Table 5. Balance of Payments (BPM6) - Yearly Detailed Presentation (Million US Dollars)"
- same as sheet 2 except columns frequency = A
Sheet 19
- datasetCode: bopmeds
- datasetName: "Table 19. Monthly External Debt Service (Million USD)"
- how to get release date: Excel file property "Modified"
- dataset docHref:
- dataset notes: no
- dimension_list: freq
- use of attributes: no
- attribute_list: none
- available frequencies: M
- availability of previous updates: no
- existence of real time datasets: no
- ** Remark **: two series on a single line
Series name: column C by cumulating the bold, the indentation and line 7
- Lines 8, 27, 43 contain the same series. Only necessary to record two series: "Total. Principal" and "Total. Interest"
- Lines 9, 28, 44 contain the same series. Only necessary to record two series: "Long Term. Principal" and "Long Term. Interest"
- Lines 22, 40, 50 contain the same series. Only necessary to record two series: "Short Term. Principal" and "Short Term. Interest"
- Example Line 10: "By Borrower. Long term. CBRT. Principal" and "By Borrower. Long term. CBRT. Interest"
- Example Line 31: "By Lender. International org. IBRD. Principal" and "By Lender. International org. IBRD. Interest"
Series key: use initials of name or acronyms. Check that this method doesn't generate the same key for two different names
- TP: Total. Principal
- TI: Total. Interest
- LTPL: Long Term. Principal
- BBLTCBRTP: By Borrower. Long term. CBRT. Principal
- Series values: drop column D and last column. The last column will change every month.
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: yes, check for **, ***, **** with signification below the table
- missing values: blank
- date format: yyyy Month
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: no
Sheet 20
- datasetCode: bopaeds
- datasetName: "Table 20. Annual External Debt Service (Million USD)"
- same as sheet 19. Frequency = A. Take all columns. Give attribute provisional for the last year (check for ***** on line 6
Exchange rates/Real effective exchange rate
CPI Based Real Effective Exchange Rate (2003=100)
- datasetCode: cpireer
- datasetName: "CPI Based Real Effective Exchange Rate (2003=100)"
- how to get release date:
- dataset docHref: no
- dataset notes: no
- dimension_list: freq
- use of attributes: yes, bold figures are "provisional"
- attribute_list: p: provisional
- available frequencies: M
- availability of previous updates: no
- existence of real time datasets: no
- Series key: cpiree, cpidicree, cpiddree
- Series name: line 1
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: no
- missing values: none
- date format: mm-yy
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: no
Domestic - PPI Based Real Effective Exchange Rate (2003=100)
- datasetCode: dppireer
- datasetName: "Domestic - PPI Based Real Effective Exchange Rate (2003=100)"
- how to get release date:
- dataset docHref: no
- dataset notes: no
- dimension_list: freq
- use of attributes: yes, bold figures are "provisional"
- attribute_list: p: provisional
- available frequencies: M
- availability of previous updates: no
- existence of real time datasets: no
- Series key: dppiree
- Series name: line 1
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: no
- missing values: none
- date format: mm-yy
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: no
Unit Labor Cost Based Real Effective Exchange Rate (2003=100)
- datasetCode: ulcreer
- datasetName: "Unit Labor Cost Based Real Effective Exchange Rate (2003=100)
- how to get release date:
- dataset docHref: no
- dataset notes: no
- dimension_list: freq
- use of attributes: yes, bold figures are "provisional"
- attribute_list: p: provisional
- available frequencies: M
- availability of previous updates: no
- existence of real time datasets: no
- Series key: ulcree, ulcdicree, ulcddree
- Series name: line 1
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: no
- missing values: none
- date format: mm-yy
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: no
- calendar of future updates: (but not for inflation data that come from TURKSTAT)
- summary of previous updates: no
- regular updates: date and time
- RSS flow:
- best way to monitor updates:
Special problems
(like variable names in ESRI)
Other remarks
I wonder whether the URLs shouldn't be parsed in the HTML pages because, given their syntax I doubt they are very stable through time
Data samples
- location: in test_xxx file or light files in dlstats/dlstats/tests/resources
- description: a very brief description of the data samples