- provider_name: INDEC
- provider_longname: Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Censos
- provider URL:
- region: ARG
- terms of use:
- approximate number of datasets:
Data accessibility
- SDMX: (If yes, links and SDMX releases implemented: No
- **Bulk Download: No
- Account: No
Desired datasets
Comercio exterior
- Complejos exportadores. All files (single sheet)
- Intercambio Comercial Argentino. All files (single sheet)
- Precios y cantidades del comercio exterior. All files (single sheet)
Cuentas internacionales
- Balanza de pagos. Años 2006-2017, por trimestre. Cuadro 1 – 28
Cuentas nacionales
- Agregados macroeconómicos (PIB)
- Series trimestrales de Oferta y Demanda Globales. Años 2004-2018. Cuadros 1 – 15
- Series trimestrales desestacionalizadas de Oferta y Demanda Globales. Años 2004-2018. All sheets
- Series por sector de actividad económica: Valor Bruto de Producción y Valor Agregado Bruto. Años 2004-2018, por trimestre. Sheets 2 to 7
- Economía nacional, resto del mundo y estructura porcentual con respecto al PIB. Años 2006-2017. Sheets 2 à 4
- Estimador Mensual de Actividad
- all files (2), all sheets
- Generación del ingreso e insumo de mano de obra
- Valor agregado bruto e insumo de mano de obra por sector de actividad económica. Primer trimestre de 2016 a primer trimestre de 2018. All sheets
- Agregados macroeconómicos (PIB)
Indices de precios
- Indice de precios al consumidor
- Indices según divisiones de la canasta, bienes y servicios, clasificación de grupos y principales aperturas. Diciembre de 2016-julio de 2018. All sheets
- Precios y cantidades del comercio exterior. All files, all sheets
- Indice de precios al consumidor
- Indicadores del sector energético
- Indicadores de sector energético: Indicador sintético de energía (1° trimestre 2015-2° trimestre 2018), Autogeneración y cogeneración de energía eléctrica (1° trimestre 2015-2° trimestre 2018) y Biocombustibles (4° trimestre 2009-2° trimestre 2018). Cuadro 1.1 -3.2
- Indicadores del sector energético
Data tree
- Existence of a hierachy of datasets on web site: yes
- How to recover the information: parse HTML pages
- availability of previous updates: no
- existence of real time datasets: no
- datasetName: A1 (except the reference to the periods)
- how to get release date: Modified date in Excel file property
- dataset docHref: yes (html page)
t31 Indice de precios al consumidor (sheet 1) [MUST]
- datasetCode: IPC
- dataset notes: A2 + A211
- dimension_list:
- region, region: TN: Total Nacional, GBA: GBA, Pm: Pampeana, No: Noroeste, Ne: Noreste, C: Cuyo, Pa: Patagónia
- I, Indicator: column A, make code with initials of labels
- dataset attribute
- freq: frequence
- use of attributes: no
- attribute_list: na
- available frequencies: M
- Series key: code indicator + code region
- Series name: column A + region
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: no
- missing values: no
- date format: mmm-yy
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: no
t39 Exportaciones por complejos exportadores [SHOULD]
- filename: complexp_exportaciones_2014-2017.xls (name changes over time)
- datasetCode: t39
- dataset notes: A74
- dimension_list:
- I, Indicator: column A , make code with initials of labels
- dataset attribute
- freq: frequence
- use of attributes: yes
- attribute_list: A72
- available frequencies: Y
- Series key: code indicator
- Series name: column A
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: no
- missing values: no
- date format: yyyy
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: no
t40 Intercambio Comercial Argentino
- filename: balan_1910_2017.xls (name changes over time) [MUST]
- datasetCode: t40
- dataset notes: A119
- dimension_list:
- F, flow: E: Exportación, I: Importación, S: Saldo (row 4)
- dataset attribute
- U, Units: mdc: Miles de dólares corrientes
- freq: frequence
- use of attributes: yes
- attribute_list: A117
- available frequencies: Y
- Series key: code indicator
- Series name: row 4
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: no
- missing values: no
- date format: yyyy
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: no
- filename: balan_zonas_paises_13_17.xls (name changes over time) [SHOULD]
- datasetCode: t40
- dataset notes: A80
- dimension_list:
- F, flow: E: Exportación FOB, I: Importación CIF, S: Saldo (row 4)
- R: region: column A (use as many initial letter to avoid identical keys)
- dataset attribute
- freq: frequence
- use of attributes: yes
- attribute_list: A78
- available frequencies: Y
- Series key: code indicator + code region
- Series name: row 4 + column 1
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: no
- missing values: no
- date format: yyyy
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: no
t41 Precios y cantidades del comercio exterior [MUST]
filenames: expindices_04.xls indicesexpgr_04.xls indicesimpue_04.xls sh_indices_comext_04.xls sh_indicesexprubros_04.xls sh_indicestermint_04.xls expodercompra_04.xls indicesexprubros_04.xls indicestermint_04.xls sh_indicesexpgr_04.xls sh_indicesimpue_04.xls
datasetCode: t41 + '.' + sequence number on html page
dataset notes: no
dimension_list: none
dataset attribute
- freq: frequence
- use of attributes: yes
- attribute_list: * Dato provisorio (check for * after period)
- available frequencies: Y and Q
- Series name: concatenate row 3 and 4
- Series key: initials of Series name
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: no
- missing values: no
- date format: yyyy or yyyy q trim.
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: no
t45 Balanza de pagos [MUST]
- filename: cin_IV_2017 (name changes over time)
- sheets: Cuadro 14, 18, 19
- datasetCode: cin.14, cin.18, cin.19
- dataset notes: No
- dimension_list:
- CodeSDMX: Code SDMX: column A
- CodeMBP6: Code MPB6: column B
- dataset attribute
- freq: frequence
- use of attributes: no
- attribute_list: no
- available frequencies: Q
- Series name: column C For Crédito, concatenate with previous row, for Débito, concatenate with two row up
- Series key: column B + s, c, d when there are three rows with identical codes
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: no
- missing values: no
- date format: Año yyyy on row 4, I, II, III, IV on row 5; Total on row 5 indicates an annual figure
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: yes
t47 Agregados macroeconómicos (PIB)
- filename: sh_ingreso_ahorro_nac_08_18.xls (name changes over time) [SHOULD]
- sheets: All
- datasetCode: sheet name
- dataset notes: No
- dimension_list: none
- dataset attribute
- freq: frequence
- use of attributes: yes
- attribute_list: below the table
- available frequencies: Y, Q
- Series name: sheet 1,2 column B (ignore column A), sheet 3, column A
- Series key: initials of name
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: no
- missing values: no
- date format: yyyy, yyyy I, II, III IV
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: yes
- filename: sh_oferta_demanda_09_18.xls (name changes over time) [MUST]
- sheets: All
- datasetCode: sheet name
- dataset notes: No
- dimension_list: none
- dataset attribute
- freq: frequence
- use of attributes: yes
- attribute_list: below the table
- available frequencies: Y, Q
- Series name: column A
- Series key: initials of name
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: no
- missing values: no
- date format: yyyy, yyyy 1 trimestre
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: yes
- filename: sh_oferta_demanda_desest_09_18.xls (name changes over time) [SHOULD]
- sheets: All
- datasetCode: initials datasetName
- datasetName: row 2
- dataset notes: No
- dimension_list: none
- dataset attribute
- freq: frequence
- use of attributes: yes
- attribute_list: below the table
- available frequencies: Y, Q
- Series name: column A
- Series key: initials of name
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: no
- missing values: no
- date format: yyyy, yyyy 1 trimestre
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: yes
- filename: sh_VBP_VAB_09_18.xls (name changes over time) [SHOULD]
- sheets: All
- datasetCode: sheet name
- dataset notes: No
- dimension_list: none
- dataset attribute
- freq: frequence
- use of attributes: yes
- attribute_list: below the table
- available frequencies: Y, Q
- Series name: column A
- Series key: initials of name
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: no
- missing values: no
- date format: yyyy, yyyy 1 trimestre
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: yes
t48 Estimador Mensual de Actividad [SHOULD]
- filename: sh_emae_actividad_base2004.xls
- datasetCode: emae
- dataset notes: No
- dimension_list: None
- dataset attribute
- freq: frequence
- use of attributes: no
- attribute_list: no
- available frequencies: M
- Series name: Row 3
- Series key: initials of series name
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: no
- missing values: no
- date format: yyyy Enero
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: no
- filename: sh_emae_mensual_actividad_base2004.xls
- Sheets: 2
- datasetCode: emaesa, emaesav
- dataset notes: No
- dimension_list: None
- dataset attribute
- freq: frequence
- use of attributes: no
- attribute_list: no
- available frequencies: M
- Series name: Row 3
- Series key: initials of series name
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: no
- missing values: no
- date format: yyyy Enero
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: no
t49 Generación del ingreso [SHOULD]
- filename: series_cgi_10_18.xls
- Sheets: 13, can treated as a dimension
- datasetCode: cgi
- dataset notes: No
- dimension_list: T: topic, terms between the first and second period in title A1. Code: use initials of label
- dataset attribute
- freq: frequence
- use of attributes: yes
- attribute_list: row 33 34
- available frequencies: M
- Series name: topic + row B
- Series key: topic code + row A (initials of B for rows 7, 8, 9)
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: yes row 32
- missing values: ///
- date format: yyyy Enero,
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: no
t145 Indicadores de sector energético [SHOULD]
- filename: sh_indicadores_energeticos.xls
- Sheets: 8
- datasetCode: Cuadro number
- dataset notes: No
- dimension_list: U: units: rows 4, 5, or 6, can span two columns (last row before blank row and then data). Code and labels are the same.
- dataset attribute
- freq: frequence
- use of attributes: no
- attribute_list: no
- available frequencies: M, Q
- Series name: row 3, 4 and 5 (if not empty)
- Series key: initials of the series name
- Series docHref: no
- Series notes: end of table
- missing values: ///
- date format: yyyy 1 trimestro, Enero,
- mixed frequencies in the same dataset: yes
- calendar of future updates:
- summary of previous updates: no
- regular updates: no
- RSS flow:
- best way to monitor updates: parse calendar
Other remarks
- Server can be very slow