After a first look, it appears that for this dataset (and very probably many others) there's no download link given by provider: in table_of_contents.xml file Eurostat's API returns for this dataset:
<nt:leaftype="dataset"><nt:titlelanguage="en">EU trade since 1988 by CN8</nt:title><nt:titlelanguage="fr">Commerce UE depuis 1988 par NC8</nt:title><nt:titlelanguage="de">EU Handel nach CN8 seit 1988</nt:title><nt:code>DS-016890</nt:code><nt:lastUpdate/><nt:lastModified/><nt:dataStart/><nt:dataEnd/><nt:values/><nt:unitlanguage="en"/><nt:unitlanguage="fr"/><nt:unitlanguage="de"/><nt:shortDescriptionlanguage="en"/><nt:shortDescriptionlanguage="fr"/><nt:shortDescriptionlanguage="de"/><nt:metadataformat="html"/><nt:metadataformat="sdmx"/></nt:leaf>
Problems that prevents from downloading data:
<nt:metadata format="sdmx" /> is empty
<nt:downloadLink format="sdmx" /> is not present
Here's are "corrects" nodes from another dataset in the same file for comparison:
@thomasbrand I've no idea if this is a "normal" behavior, and maybe you could send them an email to ask it.
I think that we could change the creation of category tree to don't include datasets that have no downloadLink provided by Eurostat.
@thomasbrand are you ok with this proposal ?
Dear Bruno,Thank you for your message and your interest in Eurostat’s data.This dataset is an International Trade dataset coming from EasyComext.Even if there are visible through Data Explorer, they follow another workflow and they cannot be used by the JSON Webservice.This information about limitation is presented on the page see the table of contents for a full list of available datasets and tables.These Web Services do not support following data scope: The International trade detailed data. The Census Hub data.We remain at your disposal should you require further guidance for this request.Should you have any further requests, please do not hesitate to open a new ticket.Best Regards,
They say "Please see the table of contents for a full list of available datasets and tables." but in the linked table of contents dataset DS-016890 is actually listed
I asked them where to find data, here's the answer:
You can find all our detailed data on international trade here: directly in our Comext database - please see attached guide. remain at your disposal should you require further guidance for this request.
So data for this category is not available for direct download, but only via web interface.
Adding those data to DBnomics would need new development.