Next steps would have to be decided, by weighting the pros and cons:
What would the Edge compatibility cost? (to change the code and to maintain it? would the performances be affected?) Do we support Internet Explorer too? what versions?
All in all, I don't think this is a big priority, compared to other issues.
@pdi makes a good remark: according to the web analytics, IE+Edge users make up about 10 % of the visits on DBnomics. This is not negligeable and has to be taken into account.
IE 10/11 use the Trident engine which will be supported until 2020 at least. Edge currently uses the EdgeHTML engine and will soon (?) use Chrome's Blink engine.
Christophe Benzchanged title from UI: add compatibility for IE to Add compatibility for Internet Explorer / Edge
changed title from UI: add compatibility for IE to Add compatibility for Internet Explorer / Edge