Simplify JSON data model
Related to #93 (closed), #122 (closed)
- As a fetcher developer
- I want to manipulate a data model as simple as possible
- in order to gain time and have a quicker learning curve.
Acceptance criteria
- The majority of developers MUST agree on the following questions.
Given this dataset data model:
"code": string,
"name": string,
"dimensions_values_labels": dict of dict,
"dimensions_labels": dict
"dimension_codes": list of strings,
"attributes_values_labels": dict of dict,
"attributes_labels": dict
"attributes_codes": list of strings,
"series": list of strings
Remaining questions:
- add timestamp for first download
- add timestamp for last update by provider
- add timestamp for last update by DB.nomics
- add timestamp for last visit by DB.nomics
- do we need to store all texts found in XLS files?
Solved questions:
- add number of series
- add doc_href for information about the dataset on the provider web site
- add notes for unstructured information about the dataset to display under Infos in the UI
- do we need dimensions_codes and attributes codes? There are just keys of dimensions_labels and attributes_labels
- do we need list of series? Some datasets have tens of thousand of series. Is a query to indexer not better?
Technical tasks
- Update JSON data model wiki page