    "code": "AFRREO",
    "description": "AFR Regional Economic Outlook (REO) provides information on recent economic developments and prospects for countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Data for the REO for Sub-Saharan Africa is prepared in conjunction with the semi-annual World Economic Outlook (WEO) exercises, spring and fall. Data are consistent with the projections underlying the WEO. REO aggregate data may differ from WEO aggregates due to differences in group membership. Composite data for country groups are weighted averages of data for individual countries. Arithmetic weighted averages are used for all concepts except for inflation and broad money, for which geometric averages are used. PPP GDP weights from the WEO database are used for the aggregation of real GDP growth, real non-oil GDP growth, real per capita GDP growth, investment, national savings, broad money, claims on the nonfinancial private sector, and real and nominal effective exchange rates. Aggregates for other concepts are weighted by GDP in U.S. dollars at market exchange rates.",
    "name": "Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Economic Outlook (AFRREO)"
    "code": "APDREO",
    "description": "APD Regional Economic Outlook (REO) provides information on recent economic developments and prospects for countries in Asia and Pacific. Data for the REO for Asia and Pacific is prepared in conjunction with the semi-annual World Economic Outlook (WEO) exercises, spring and fall. Data are consistent with the projections underlying the WEO. REO aggregate data may differ from WEO aggregates due to differences in group membership. Composite data for country groups are weighted averages of data for individual countries. Arithmetic weighted averages are used for all concepts except for inflation and broad money, for which geometric averages are used. PPP GDP weights from the WEO database are used for the aggregation of real GDP growth, real non-oil GDP growth, real per capita GDP growth, investment, national savings, broad money, claims on the nonfinancial private sector, and real and nominal effective exchange rates. Aggregates for other concepts are weighted by GDP in U.S. dollars at market exchange rates.",
    "name": "Asia and Pacific Regional Economic Outlook (APDREO)"
    "code": "BOP",
    "description": "Contains balance of payments and international investment position (IIP) data of individual countries, jurisdictions, and other reporting entities, and regional and world totals for major components of the balance of payments. Both balance of payments and IIP data are presented in accordance with the standard components of the sixth edition of the <i>Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, BPM6<\/i>.",
    "name": "Balance of Payments (BOP)"
    "code": "BOPAGG",
    "description": "BOPSY Global Tables aggregate country data by major balance of payments components and by international investment position (IIP) data for (i) Net IIP and (ii) Total Assets and Total Liabilities.  Data for countries, country groups, and the world are provided. In addition to data reported by countries as shown in BOPSY, balance of payments data are provided for international organizations in BOPSY Global Tables.  The BOPSY Global Tables include, in addition to reported data, data derived in a few instances indirectly from published sources.",
    "name": "Balance of Payments (BOP), World and Regional Aggregates"
    "code": "CDIS",
    "description": "The CDIS database presents detailed data on \"inward\" direct investment positions (i.e., direct investment into the reporting economy) cross-classified by economy of immediate investor, and data on \"outward\" direct investment positions (i.e., direct investment abroad by the reporting economy) cross-classified by economy of immediate investment. The CDIS database contains breakdowns of direct investment position data, including, in most instances, separate data on net equity and net debt positions, as well as tables that present \"mirror\" data (i.e., tables in which data from the reporting economy are shown side-by-side with the data obtained from all other counterpart reporting economies).",
    "name": "Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS)"
    "code": "COFER",
    "description": "The Currency Composition ofOfficial Foreign Exchange Reserves(COFER) database is managed by the Statistics Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The COFER website disseminates end-of-period quarterly data on COFER in the format of statistical aggregates. The currencies identified in COFER are: U.S. dollar, Pound sterling, Japanese yen, Swiss francs, Canadian dollar, Australian dollar, and Euro.\nAll other currencies are indistinguishably included in the category of “other currencies.”\nPrior to the introduction of Euro in 1999,several European currencieswere separately identified in COFER. \nCOFER data are reported to the IMF on a voluntary and confidential basis. COFER data for individual countries are strictly confidential. The data published on this website are aggregates for each currency for three groupings of countries (total,advanced economies, andemerging and developing economies).",
    "name": "Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER)"
    "code": "COMMP",
    "description": "Indices in terms of dollars or sdrs, indices of market prices for non-fuel commodities and petroleum, actual market prices for non-fuel commodities and petroleum, and average weekly prices for non-fuel commodities and petroleum.",
    "name": "Primary Commodity Prices"
    "code": "COMMPP",
    "description": "Price projections for 2 years ahead (quarterly) and 5 years ahead (annual) for fuel and non-fuel commodities.",
    "name": "Primary Commodity Prices Projections"
    "code": "CPI",
    "description": "Consumer price indexes (CPIs) are index numbers that measure changes in the prices of goods and services purchased or otherwise acquired by households, which households use directly, or indirectly, to satisfy their own needs and wants. In practice, most CPIs are calculated as weighted averages of the percentage price changes for a specified set, or ‘‘basket’’, of consumer products, the weights reflecting their relative importance in household consumption in some period. CPIs are widely used to index pensions and social security benefits. CPIs are also used to index other payments, such as interest payments or rents, or the prices of bonds. CPIs are also commonly used as a proxy for the general rate of inflation, even though they measure only consumer inflation. They are used by some governments or central banks to set inflation targets for purposes of monetary policy. The price data collected for CPI purposes can also be used to compile other indices, such as the price indices used to deflate household consumption expenditures in national accounts, or the purchasing power parities used to compare real levels of consumption in different countries.  \n\nIn an effort to further coordinate and harmonize the collection of CPI data, the international organizations agreed that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) would assume responsibility for the international collection and dissemination of national CPI data. Under this data collection initiative, countries are reporting the aggregate all items index; more detailed indexes and weights for 12 subgroups of consumption expenditure (according to the so-called COICOP-classification), and detailed metadata. These detailed data represent a valuable resource for data users throughout the world and this portal would not be possible without the ongoing cooperation of all reporting countries. In this effort, the OECD collects and validates the data for their member countries, including accession and key partner countries, whereas the IMF takes care of the collection of data for all other countries.",
    "name": "Consumer Price Index (CPI)"
    "code": "CPIS",
    "description": "The Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) is a voluntary data collection exercise conducted under the auspices of the IMF. An economy provides data on its holdings of portfolio investment securities (data are separately requested for equity and investment fund shares, long-term debt instruments, and short-term debt instruments).",
    "name": "Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS)"
    "code": "DOT",
    "description": "The <B>Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS)<\/B> presents the value of merchandise exports and imports disaggregated according to a country's primary trading partners. Area and world aggregates are included in the display of trade flows between major areas of the world. Reported data is supplemented by estimates whenever such data is not available or current. Imports are reported on a cost, insurance and freight (CIF) basis and exports are reported on a free on board (FOB) basis, with the exception of a few countries for which imports are also available FOB. Time series data includes estimates derived from reports of partner countries for non-reporting and slow-reporting countries.",
    "name": "Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS)"
    "code": "FAS",
    "description": "Contains 180 time series and 65 indicators that are expressed as ratios to GDP, land area, or adult population to facilitate cross-economy comparisons. Provision of FAS data is voluntary.",
    "name": "Financial Access Survey (FAS)"
    "code": "FDI",
    "description": "The dataset contains nine indices that summarize how developed financial institutions and financial markets\nare in terms of their depth, access, and efficiency. These indices are aggregated into an\noverall index of financial development. With the coverage of over 180 countries on annual frequency\nfrom 1980 onwards, the database should offer a useful analytical tool for researchers and\npolicy makers.",
    "name": "Financial Development Index"
    "description": "The IMF’s Fiscal Decentralization Dataset compiles indicators widely used by academics and policymakers to assess recent trends, conduct benchmark analysis, and identify the causes, and consequences of fiscal decentralization for a global sample of IMF members.",
    "name": "Fiscal Decentralization"
    "code": "FM",
    "description": "The Fiscal Monitor surveys and analyzes the latest public finance developments, it updates fiscal implications of the crisis and medium-term fiscal projections, and assesses policies to put public finances on a sustainable footing.",
    "name": "Fiscal Monitor (FM)"
    "code": "FSI",
    "description": "The Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs), developed by the IMF together with the international community, are aimed at supporting macroprudential analysis—the surveillance and assessment of the strengths and vulnerabilities of financial systems. FSIs are macroprudential statistics aimed at filling the gap between macroeconomic statistics and micro-prudential data.",
    "name": "Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs)"
    "code": "FSIRE",
    "description": "The Reporting entities dataset provides information on the structure, size, and coverage of the financial institutions that are used for compiling financial soundness indicators. It provides a better understanding of the structure of the reporting entities in terms of the type of institution, number of entities, size of assets, and type of control.",
    "name": "Financial Soundness Indicators: Reporting entities"
    "code": "GENDER_BUDGETING",
    "description": "Access data, visualizations, and stories that portray results of the IMF's research on gender and economics or create your own charts and analysis. This dataset covers data from a recent gender budgeting study.",
    "name": "Gender Budgeting"
    "code": "GENDER_EQUALITY",
    "description": "Access data, visualizations, and stories that portray results of the IMF's research on gender and economics or create your own charts and analysis. This dataset includes gender inequality and development indices.",
    "name": "Gender Equality"
    "code": "GFSCOFOG",
    "description": "This dataset provides a comprehensive view of  the functions, or socioeconomic objectives, that government aims to achieve through various kinds of expenditure, comprising detailed classifications of general public service, defense, public order and safety, economic affairs, environment protection, housing and community services, health, recreation, culture and religion, education, and social protection services.",
    "name": "Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Expenditure by Function of Government (COFOG)"
    "code": "GFSE",
    "description": "This dataset provides a comprehensive view of government expense, including detailed classifications of compensation of employees, use of goods and services, consumption of fixed capital, interest payable, subsidies payable, grants payable, social benefits, and other expense.",
    "name": "Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Expense"
    "code": "GFSFALCS",
    "description": "This dataset provides an overview of total financial assets and liabilities classified by the sector to which the counterparty claim belongs. The counterpart sectors include nonfinancial corporations, the central bank, deposit taking corporations, other financial corporation sectors, government sectors, international organizations, external financial corporations, external general government, and other external sectors.",
    "name": "Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Financial Assets and Liabilities by Counterpart Sector"
    "code": "GFSIBS",
    "description": "This dataset provides a comprehensive view of the integrated balance sheet. In other words, changes between the opening and closing stock positions in assets and liabilities are explained through transactions, holding gains\/losses, and other changes in the volume of assets and liabilities. Data on net investment in nonfinancial assets – a component of total expenditure – on its components and related stock positions are provided.",
    "name": "Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Integrated Balance Sheet (Stock Positions and Flows in Assets and Liabilities)"
    "code": "GFSMAB",
    "description": "This dataset provides an overview of government operations and stock positions, as well as several derived balances. The Statement of Government Operations shows revenue and expense, with their main components, the operating balance and net lending\/net borrowing, as well as financing. The Balance sheet shows stock positions in assets and liabilities, with their main components, as well as net worth and net financial worth. In addition, data on gross debt and net debt are included.",
    "name": "Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Main Aggregates and Balances"
    "code": "GFSR",
    "description": "This dataset provides a comprehensive view of government revenue, including detailed classifications of taxes, social contributions, grants receivable, and other revenue.",
    "name": "Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Revenue"
    "code": "GFSSSUC",
    "description": "This dataset provides an overview of government’s cash flows, as summarized in the Statement of Sources and Uses of Cash, for those countries  compiling GFS on a noncash basis (for example, an accrual basis) and are also including a cash flow statement.",
    "name": "Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Statement of Sources and Uses of Cash"
    "code": "HPDD",
    "description": "The Historical Public Debt Database contains unbalanced panel data on Gross Domestic Product, Gross Government Debt, and Gross Government Debt-to-GDP Ratio for 187 countries. The series spans the years 1800 through 2015 although each country’s data depends on its date of independence and data availability. The database was constructed by bringing together a number of other datasets and information from original sources. For the most recent years, the data are linked to the IMF World Economic Outlook (WEO) database to facilitate regular updates.",
    "name": "Historical Public Debt (HPDD)"
    "code": "IFS",
    "description": "The International Financial Statistics database covers about 200 countries and areas, with some aggregates calculated for selected regions, plus some world totals. Topics covered include balance of payments, commodity prices, exchange rates,  fund position, government finance, industrial production, interest rates, international investment position, international liquidity, international transactions, labor statistics, money and banking, national accounts, population, prices, and real effective exchange rates.",
    "name": "International Financial Statistics (IFS)"
    "code": "IRFCL",
    "description": "The Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity is an innovative single framework that integrates the concept of international reserves and foreign currency liquidity by covering data on on-balance-sheet and off-balance-sheet international financial activities of country authorities as well as supplementary information. It aims to provide a comprehensive account of official foreign currency assets and drains on such resources arising from various foreign\/domestic currency liabilities and commitments of the authorities.",
    "name": "International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity (IRFCL)"
    "code": "MCDREO",
    "description": "Economic developments in the Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, and Pakistan (MENAP) continue to reflect the diversity of conditions prevailing across the region. Most high-income oil exporters, primarily in the GCC, continue to record steady growth and solid economic and financial fundamentals, albeit with medium-term challenges that need to be addressed. In contrast, other countries --Iraq, Libya, Syria -- mired in conflicts with not just humanitarian but also economic consequences. And yet other countries, mostly oil importers, are making continued but uneven progress in advancing their economic agenda, often in tandem with political transitions and amidst difficult social conditions. In most of these countries, without extensive economic and structural reforms, economic prospects for the medium term remain insufficient to reduce high unemployment and improve living standards. Economic activity in the Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA) region is weakening, mainly because of the near-term slowdown and rising regional tensions affecting Russia, a key trading partner and sources of remittance and investment inflows, as well as weaker domestic demand in a number of CCA countries. Near-term risks are to the downside and tied to the fortunes of large trading partners. Policies need to focus on bolstering economic stability and, where needed, short-term support to ailing economic growth. In addition, a new model for high, sustained, diversified, and inclusive growth is needed to set the direction for economic policies for the next decade.",
    "name": "Middle East and Central Asia Regional Economic Outlook (MCDREO)"
    "code": "MFS",
    "name": "Monetary and Financial Statistics (MFS)"
    "code": "NAMAIN_IDC_N",
    "name": "System of National Accounts (SNA), NA_MAIN"
    "code": "PCPS",
    "description": "Indices in terms of dollars or sdrs, indices of market prices for non-fuel commodities and petroleum, actual market prices for non-fuel commodities and petroleum, and average weekly prices for non-fuel commodities and petroleum.",
    "name": "Primary Commodity Price System (PCPS)"
    "code": "PCTOT",
    "description": "Country-specific commodity price indices, including export, import, and terms-of-trade indices. For each country, the change in the international price of up to 45 individual commodities is weighted using commodity-level trade data. See <b><i><a href=\"https:\/\/www.imf.org\/en\/Publications\/WP\/Issues\/2019\/01\/24\/Commodity-Terms-of-Trade-A-New-Database-46522\" target = \"_blank\">“Commodity Terms of Trade: A New Database,”<\/a><\/b><\/i> by Bertrand Gruss and Suhaib Kebhaj, for further details.",
    "name": "Commodity Terms of Trade"
    "code": "PGCS",
    "name": "Private and Public Capital Stock Dataset"
    "code": "PGI",
    "description": "The Principal Global Indicators (PGI) dataset provides internationally comparable data for the Group of 20 economies (G-20) and economies with systemically important financial sectors that are not members of the G-20. The PGI facilitates the monitoring of economic and financial developments for these jurisdictions. Launched in 2009, the PGI website is hosted by the IMF and is a joint undertaking of the Inter-Agency Group of Economic and Financial Statistics (IAG).",
    "name": "Principal Global Indicators (PGI)"
    "code": "PSBSFAD",
    "name": "Public Sector Balance Sheet (PSBS)(FAD)"
    "code": "SNA",
    "description": "National Accounts database covers data on Expenditure based Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and components and GDP Volume and GDP Deflator, as well as Gross National Income (GNI) and components when reported by national authorities. Several Countries provide seasonally adjusted data and GDP data on an annualized basis.  Please refer to IFS country notes for more information.",
    "name": "System of National Accounts (SNA)"
    "code": "UNSDG_IMF_INPUTS",
    "name": "Sustainable Development Goals, IMF Inputs"
    "code": "WHDREO",
    "description": "The WHD Regional Economic Outlook (REO) provides information on recent economic developments and prospects for countries in the Western Hemisphere. Data for the Western Hemisphere REO are prepared in conjunction and are consistent with the semi-annual World Economic Outlook (WEO) exercises. REO aggregate data may differ from WEO aggregates due to differences in group membership. Composite data for country groups are weighted averages of data for individual countries. Arithmetic weighted averages are used for all concepts except for inflation and broad money, for which geometric averages are used. PPP GDP weights from the WEO database are used for the aggregation of real GDP growth, real non-oil GDP growth, real per capita GDP growth, investment, national savings, broad money, claims on the nonfinancial private sector, and real and nominal effective exchange rates. Aggregates for other concepts are weighted by GDP in U.S. dollars at market exchange rates.",
    "name": "Western Hemisphere Regional Economic Outlook (WHDREO)"
    "code": "WoRLD",
    "description": "The IMF’s World Revenue Longitudinal Data set (WoRLD) is a compilation of government tax and non-tax revenues from the IMF’s Government Finance Statistics and World Economic Outlook, and drawing on the OECD Revenue Statistics and Revenue Statistics in Latin American and the Caribbean.",
    "name": "World Revenue Longitudinal Data (WoRLD)"
    "children": [
        "code": "WEO:2007-10",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2007-10 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2008-04",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2008-04 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2008-10",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2008-10 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2009-04",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2009-04 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2009-10",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2009-10 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2010-04",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2010-04 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2010-10",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2010-10 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2011-04",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2011-04 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2012-04",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2012-04 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2012-10",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2012-10 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2013-04",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2013-04 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2013-10",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2013-10 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2014-04",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2014-04 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2014-10",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2014-10 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2015-04",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2015-04 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2015-10",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2015-10 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2016-04",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2016-04 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2016-10",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2016-10 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2017-04",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2017-04 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2017-10",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2017-10 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2018-04",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2018-04 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2018-10",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2018-10 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2019-04",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2019-04 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2019-10",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2019-10 release)"
        "code": "WEO:2020-04",
        "name": "WEO by countries (2020-04 release)"
    "code": "WEO",
    "name": "WEO by countries"
    "children": [
        "code": "WEOAGG:2007-10",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2007-10 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2008-04",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2008-04 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2008-10",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2008-10 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2009-04",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2009-04 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2009-10",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2009-10 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2010-04",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2010-04 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2010-10",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2010-10 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2011-04",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2011-04 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2012-04",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2012-04 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2012-10",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2012-10 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2013-04",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2013-04 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2013-10",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2013-10 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2014-04",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2014-04 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2014-10",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2014-10 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2015-04",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2015-04 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2015-10",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2015-10 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2016-04",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2016-04 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2016-10",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2016-10 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2017-04",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2017-04 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2017-10",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2017-10 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2018-04",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2018-04 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2018-10",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2018-10 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2019-04",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2019-04 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2019-10",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2019-10 release)"
        "code": "WEOAGG:2020-04",
        "name": "WEO by country groups (2020-04 release)"
    "code": "WEOAGG",
    "name": "WEO by country groups"