{ "code": "AEA08", "dimensions_codes_order": [ "STATISTIC", "C02196V02652" ], "dimensions_labels": { "C02196V02652": "State", "STATISTIC": "Statistic" }, "dimensions_values_labels": { "C02196V02652": [ [ "-", "State" ] ], "STATISTIC": [ [ "AEA08C01", "Gross Output at Producer Prices" ], [ "AEA08C02", "All Livestock" ], [ "AEA08C03", "Cattle" ], [ "AEA08C04", "Pigs" ], [ "AEA08C05", "Sheep" ], [ "AEA08C06", "Horses" ], [ "AEA08C07", "Poultry" ], [ "AEA08C08", "All Livestock Products" ], [ "AEA08C09", "Milk" ], [ "AEA08C10", "All Crops" ], [ "AEA08C11", "Barley" ], [ "AEA08C12", "Wheat" ], [ "AEA08C13", "Potatoes" ], [ "AEA08C14", "Fresh Vegetables" ], [ "AEA08C15", "Intermediate Consumption" ], [ "AEA08C16", "Feeding Stuffs" ], [ "AEA08C17", "Fertilisers" ], [ "AEA08C18", "Seeds" ], [ "AEA08C19", "Energy and Lubricants" ], [ "AEA08C20", "Maintenance and Repairs" ], [ "AEA08C21", "Other Goods and Services" ], [ "AEA08C22", "Crop Protection Products" ], [ "AEA08C23", "Veterinary Expenses" ], [ "AEA08C24", "Gross Value Added at Basic Prices" ] ] }, "name": "Volume Indices for Output, Input and Income in Agriculture (Base 2015 = 100)", "notes": [ "<a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.cso.ie/en/methods/agricultureandfishing/oiiaa/\">See Background Notes</a>", "For more information, please go to the <a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.cso.ie/en/statistics/agriculture/outputinputandincomeinagriculture/\">statistical release page</a> on our website." ], "source_href": "https://data.cso.ie/table/AEA08", "updated_at": "2023-06-30T11:00:00Z" }