{ "code": "WPM27", "dimensions_codes_order": [ "STATISTIC", "C01393V01662" ], "dimensions_labels": { "C01393V01662": "Type of Capital Good", "STATISTIC": "Statistic" }, "dimensions_values_labels": { "C01393V01662": [ [ "-", "All capital goods" ], [ "1", "Transportable capital for use in Agriculture" ], [ "2", "Transportable capital for use in Industry" ], [ "3", "Transportable Capital for use in Agriculture and Industry - Private Vehicles" ], [ "4", "Transportable Capital for use in Agriculture and Industry - Commercial Vehicles" ], [ "5", "Agriculture and Industry" ], [ "6", "Other Sectors" ], [ "7", "Total transportable capital" ], [ "8", "Building and construction (i.e. materials and wages)" ] ], "STATISTIC": [ [ "WPM27C01", "Capital Goods Price Index" ], [ "WPM27C02", "Percentage Change over 1 month in Capital Goods Price Index" ], [ "WPM27C03", "Percentage Change over 12 month in Capital Goods Price Index" ] ] }, "name": "Capital Goods Price Index", "notes": [ "", "For more information, please go to the <a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.cso.ie/en/statistics/prices/wholesalepriceindex/\">statistical release page</a> on our website." ], "source_href": "https://data.cso.ie/table/WPM27", "updated_at": "2023-07-21T11:00:00Z" }