{ "code": "VSD47", "dimensions_codes_order": [ "STATISTIC", "C03789V04537", "C02199V02655" ], "dimensions_labels": { "C02199V02655": "Sex", "C03789V04537": "County of Residence of Deceased", "STATISTIC": "Statistic" }, "dimensions_values_labels": { "C02199V02655": [ [ "-", "Both sexes" ], [ "1", "Male" ], [ "2", "Female" ] ], "C03789V04537": [ [ "IE0", "Ireland" ], [ "2ae19629-1434-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Cork City Council" ], [ "2ae19629-14a2-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Clare County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-149d-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Cavan County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-14a3-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Cork County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-1492-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Carlow County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-1433-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Dublin City Council" ], [ "2ae19629-149f-13a3-e055-000000000001", "DĂșn Laoghaire Rathdown County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-14a4-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Donegal County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-14a0-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Fingal County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-14a5-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Galway County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-1435-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Galway City Council" ], [ "2ae19629-14a7-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Kildare County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-14a8-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Kilkenny County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-14a6-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Kerry County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-1490-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Longford County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-1491-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Louth County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-148f-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Limerick City & County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-148e-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Leitrim County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-148d-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Laois County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-1494-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Meath County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-1495-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Monaghan County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-1493-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Mayo County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-1496-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Offaly County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-1497-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Roscommon County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-14a1-13a3-e055-000000000001", "South Dublin County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-1498-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Sligo County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-1499-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Tipperary County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-149a-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Waterford City & County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-149b-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Westmeath County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-149e-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Wicklow County Council" ], [ "2ae19629-149c-13a3-e055-000000000001", "Wexford County Council" ] ], "STATISTIC": [ [ "VSD47C01", "Dementia Deaths Registered" ], [ "VSD47C02", "Alzheimer's Deaths Registered" ] ] }, "name": "Dementia and Alzheimer's Deaths Registered", "notes": [ "", "For more information, please go to the <a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.cso.ie/en/statistics/birthsdeathsandmarriages/vitalstatistics/\">statistical release page</a> on our website." ], "source_href": "https://data.cso.ie/table/VSD47", "updated_at": "2023-08-25T11:00:00Z" }