{ "code": "UA35", "dimensions_codes_order": [ "STATISTIC", "C02199V02655", "C04103V04867" ], "dimensions_labels": { "C02199V02655": "Sex", "C04103V04867": "Marital Status", "STATISTIC": "Statistic" }, "dimensions_values_labels": { "C02199V02655": [ [ "1", "Male" ], [ "2", "Female" ] ], "C04103V04867": [ [ "10", "Single - never married" ], [ "20", "Married/cohabitating" ], [ "30", "Divorced/widowed/other relationship status" ] ], "STATISTIC": [ [ "UA35C01", "Marital status of arrivals from Ukraine aged 18 years and over at arrival" ], [ "UA35C02", "Marital status of arrivals from Ukraine aged 18 years and over to date" ] ] }, "name": "Marital status of arrivals from Ukraine aged 18 years and over", "notes": [ "Aged 18 and over at entry/arrival. Note that the marital status is not validated and is not necessarily updated after first recording. ‘Marital status of Ukrainians aged 18 years and over to date’ is a breakdown of the marital status of all arrivals from Ukraine under the Temporary Protection Directive to date. ‘Marital status of Ukrainians aged 18 years and over at arrival’ is a breakdown of the marital status of persons arriving during a single week only. Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding. All data is preliminary and subject to change. Source: CSO/Department of Social Protection (up to the 12/03/23)/Department of Justice (19/03/23 onwards)", "For more information, please go to the <a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.cso.ie/en/statistics/population/arrivalsfromukraineinireland/\">statistical release page</a> on our website." ], "source_href": "https://data.cso.ie/table/UA35", "updated_at": "2023-10-18T11:00:00.000Z" }