  "code": "UA33",
  "dimensions_codes_order": [
  "dimensions_labels": {
    "C04040V04801": "Type of Accommodation",
    "STATISTIC": "Statistic"
  "dimensions_values_labels": {
    "C04040V04801": [
        "Emergency accommodation"
        "Independent accommodation"
        "Serviced accommodation"
    "STATISTIC": [
        "Accommodation allocated to arrivals from Ukraine"
  "name": "Allocation of DCEDIY accommodation for Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection (BoTPs)",
  "notes": [
    "The number of persons in serviced accommodation may be overestimated due to delays in feedback when persons have moved. Independent Accommodation comprises of persons accommodated by DCEDIY/IRC pledges and those who have availed of 'Offer a Home' scheme accommodation. Source: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.",
    "For more information, please go to the <a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.cso.ie/en/statistics/population/arrivalsfromukraineinireland/\">statistical release page</a> on our website."
  "source_href": "https://data.cso.ie/table/UA33",
  "updated_at": "2023-07-26T11:00:00Z"