{ "code": "HS191", "dimensions_codes_order": [ "STATISTIC", "C03378V04062", "C02303V04074" ], "dimensions_labels": { "C02303V04074": "Household Composition", "C03378V04062": "Household appliances", "STATISTIC": "Statistic" }, "dimensions_values_labels": { "C02303V04074": [ [ "01", "1 adult" ], [ "02", "1 adult with children" ], [ "03", "2 adults" ], [ "04", "2 adults with 1-3 children" ], [ "05", "3+ adults" ], [ "06", "Other households with children" ], [ "07", "All household compositions" ] ], "C03378V04062": [ [ "01", "Vacuum cleaner" ], [ "02", "Tumble dryer" ], [ "03", "Washing machine" ], [ "04", "Dishwasher" ], [ "05", "Refrigerator" ], [ "06", "Refrigerator with freezer" ], [ "07", "Separate deep freeze" ], [ "08", "Microwave oven" ], [ "09", "One TV set only" ], [ "10", "Two or more TV sets" ], [ "121", "One home computer only" ], [ "122", "Two or more home computers" ], [ "13", "Games console" ] ], "STATISTIC": [ [ "HS191", "Households" ] ] }, "name": "Households", "notes": [ "All figures are mean values <a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https:\/\/www.cso.ie\/en\/methods\/housingandhouseholds\/householdbudgetsurvey\/appendix1-conceptsanddefinitions\/\"> See Appendix 1 <\/a>", "For more information, please go to the <a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https:\/\/www.cso.ie\/en\/statistics\/housingandhouseholds\/householdbudgetsurvey\/\">statistical release page<\/a> on our website." ], "source_href": "https:\/\/data.cso.ie\/table\/HS191", "updated_at": "2020-10-14T11:00:00Z" }