=============== Fetcher name =============== Provider ======== :provider_name: ECB :provider_longname: European Central Bank :provider URL: :approximate number of datasets: Data accessibility ================== :SDMX: (If yes, links and SDMX releases implemented: ML 2.0, ML 2.1, JSON 2.1) else No :REST API: (If yes, links doc and base URL api) else NO :Bulk Download: (if yes, links and formats: csv, xls, sdmx, also indicate wheter they are zipped) else No :Account: Yes if account (login/password) are requires for access to SDMX/REST API or Bulk Download Desired datasets ================ :Description: (brief description of subset that we want on Widukind or list if less than 10) Data tree ========= :Existence of a hierachy of datasets on web site: :How to recover the information: (filename or SDMX resource) Datasets ======== :datasetCode: (provided or to be made up, suggest scheme if necessary) :how to get release date: :dataset docHref: yes/no :dataset notes: yes/no :dimension_list: (provided or to be made up from the series) :use of attributes: yes/no :attribute_list: (provided or to be made up from the series) :available frequencies: (across all datasets) :availability of previous updates: if yes, provide URL :existence of real time datasets: Series ====== :Series key: (provided or to be made up, suggest scheme if necessary) :Series name: (provided or to be made up from dimensions) :Series docHref: yes/no :Series notes: yes/no :missing values: code for missing values or way to detect them :date format: :mixed frequencies in the same dataset: yes/no Updates ======= :calendar of future updates: http://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/calendars/statscal/html/index.en.html :summary of previous upudates: if yes, provide URL :regular updates: date and time :RSS flow: :best way to monitor updates: Special problems ================ (like variable names in ESRI) Other remarks ============= Data samples ============ :location: in test_xxx file or light files in dlstats/dlstats/tests/resources :description: a very brief description of the data samples