This wiki documents how to write a fetcher.
This wiki documents technical subjects about DBnomics. This wiki is there for historical reasons and tends to be merged to [DBnomics documentation](https://db.nomics.world/docs/).
## Project management
See [this project](https://git.nomics.world/dbnomics-fetchers/management) and [wiki](https://git.nomics.world/dbnomics-fetchers/management/wikis/home)
## Components
* [DBnomics data model](https://git.nomics.world/dbnomics/dbnomics-data-model/)
* [Web API](web-api)
* [Repositories organization](repositories-organization)
## Tutorials
* [DBnomics tutorial notebook](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/dbnomics/dbnomics-python-client/master?filepath=index.ipynb)
* [Glossary](glossary)
* [Fetcher design rules](fetcher-design-rules)
* [Write a new fetcher](write-a-new-fetcher)
* [Write a new converter](write-a-new-converter)
* [JSON data model](json-data-model)
* [Web API](web-api)
### Tooling
... | ... | @@ -15,7 +22,7 @@ This wiki documents how to write a fetcher. |
* [Git and gitlab workflow](Git-and-Gitlab-workflow)
* [Code Optimization](code-optimization) (profiling...)
### Maintainance & Operations
## Maintainance & Operations
* [Maintaining fetchers](maintaining-fetchers)
* [Publishing Python packages](publishing-python-packages)
... | ... | @@ -23,32 +30,18 @@ This wiki documents how to write a fetcher. |
* [Failure handling procedures](failure-handling-procedures)
* [Troubleshooting](troubleshooting) (what to do if a problem occurs)
### Infrastructure
## Infrastructure
* [Servers and services (architecture)](servers)
* [Servers and services](servers) (architecture)
* Setup CI jobs: see https://git.nomics.world/dbnomics/dbnomics-gitlab-ci/blob/master/README.md
* [CI jobs and runners](ci-jobs-and-runners)
* [download-convert runners migration](runners-migration)
* [Repositories organization](repositories-organization)
* [Test a fetcher on the pre-production server](test-fetcher-on-pre-prod)
* [Test the API or the UI on the development server](test-api-ui-on-dev)
* [Production configuration](production-configuration)
* [Monitoring](monitoring)
* [E-mails](e-mails)
### Data
## Resources
* [Special datasets and series](special-datasets)
### Other fetcher libraries
SDMX libraries:
* https://github.com/amattioc/SDMX
* https://pandasdmx.readthedocs.io/
* https://github.com/26fe/jsonstat.py
* https://github.com/sdmx-twg/sdmx-rest
### Project management
See [this project](https://git.nomics.world/dbnomics-fetchers/management) and [wiki](https://git.nomics.world/dbnomics-fetchers/management/wikis/home) |
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* [Other fetcher libraries](librairies) |